My sister-in-law found some beautiful candlesticks for her decadent (and I mean jaw dropping) master bath. Their only drawback was that their zinc coloring did not suit her old world Tuscan decor. An expert faux painter she was using elsewhere in the house suggested this technique which I tried out on the candlesticks during my visit.
Step 1: Gather your materials. You’ll need old rags, a paper plate, a drop cloth, spray paint in a neutral base coat (we used an off-white), and two more spray paints in different metallic finishes.
Step 2: Apply the neutral base coat thoroughly. It’s best to apply several light coats rather than a few heavy coats (less drippage). Do this outside if you can to avoid fumes and accidental wafting of spray paint.
Step 3: Lightly layer on one of the metallic paints. Do not cover, leaving lots of the neutral base coat exposed.
Step 4: Spray paint directly onto your paper plate, and using a cloth, rub the other metallic color on in various areas. In the picture below, I did a second candlestick with both metallic paints just following this Step and eliminating Step 3. The goal is to use the dabbing technique to achieve the type of faux finish that you want.
Step 5: Clean up and you’re done.
Here is the grouping of the three faux painted candlesticks by the edge of the sunken tub. Don’t they look pretty?

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