Nightstand Roundup

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A nightstand truly is one of the creature comforts of modern living. It's the perfect furniture piece to collect many of your most meaningful and useful tools and trinkets. Did you know that the first nightstands were used to house (or hide!) your chamber pot? Thank goodness for indoor plumbing!

For a bedroom that gets everyday use, I recommend a nightstand with at least one drawer, so you can quickly swoop everything inside when company's coming. In a master bedroom, each sleeper needs his/her own space, but I don't think the nightstands always need to match. The room works below because the nightstands both have similar finishes and are the same height, so that the lamps and mirrors give the room a symmetrical look.

For the room below, the height is slightly off, but the color and finish of the nightstands work well together, and the matching lamps framed by the windows, pull the look off nicely.

If you're in the market for a nightstand to ease the transition into a good night's sleep, here are a few of my favorites.

{mid-century nightstand from west elm}
 For price, size and function, this mid-century nightstand from West Elm has it all.  It's got a lightweight look, clean lines and 2 drawers for easy access storage.

{park mirrored bedside table from pottery barn}
 I love the glamorous form and function of this beauty.

{zinc nightstand from restoration hardware}
 This nightstand is working the industrial chic vibe.  Bachelor pad? Teenage lair? Ladies, beware!

{tray bien from caracole}
This elegant beauty is from one of my favorite to the trade lines, and it's just so gorgeously detailed and walks the fine line between gender bias.
{portia from mitchell gold & bob williams}

Drawer pulls on this luxury number come in 2 finishes, and the sides reveal a signature red lacquer finish. Sexy!
{south seas side cart from serena & lily}
If I had a beach house, I'd want this cart for my nightstand. I love it's texture, and happy vibe.

{atwood nightstand from crate & barrel}

And for my house in the mountains, I'd choose this guy. He's got just enough rough and tumble, but still stays in line (like a good dog, or husband!)

If you'd like some help choosing the nightstand that suits you best, please contact me!

Pantone's Color of the Year: Emerald Green

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

As far as trends go, I'm usually a few steps behind, so here I am now reporting last week's big announcement.  This year's color of the year from Pantone is EMERALD GREEN.

“Green is the most abundant hue in nature – the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “As it has throughout history, multifaceted Emerald continues to sparkle and fascinate. Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today’s complex world. This powerful and universally appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors."

I love how the idea of green has so many layers of meaning.  On the kinder gentler side, green can be a way of life, a way to embrace nature and a lifestyle intended to honor it. On the flipside, there's no denying that green is the color of money. Greenbacks anyone? So it makes sense that GREEN has a universal appeal.

Trend setting aside, take a look at some fun ways to add the shade into (or outside) your home this year.
No fear of commitment here. I love the glossy finish on these green subway tiles, as well as the variation in the positioning that frames the sink.


A front door doesn't have to be a long term commitment. That's the type of trend I like to follow.

Bright pops of color in an otherwise neutral space seems to be rather popular as of late.

Here's a very doable DIY project that reinvents and transforms an antique into a modern, functional piece. Rather "green" don't you think?

Would my daughters stop fighting about sharing a room if it looked like this? If only, but I do love the height and luxe factor on these headboards.

If this bedroom is too over the top for you, then consider these simple ideas to keep you on trend without overextending your green.


If you'd like to incorporate your favorite color into your home, please contact me. I'd love to help!

Finding meaning in the fluff

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I've been having a hard time coming back to blogging after the Sandy Hook story occurred. That tragedy hit us all so hard, as it should have, and every time I started to write something about my holiday decor or parties or presents, I just felt wrong, as if I was ignoring something that really was far more important.

Although tragic events are never well-timed, my kids only had four days of school left before winter break, so I have spent the last few weeks at home with them savoring their energy and holiday excitement. And yes, there were lots of decorations and table settings and entertaining going on, but as I scan my camera roll the only pictures I took are of my kids....sleeping, being goofy, finishing a 5K on New Year's Day.

The Sandy Hook tragedy and my lack of desire to write about the topics I'm usually really crazy about (i.e., my house, your house, someone else's beautiful house) brought to a head something that I struggle with in this job of home decor.  Even though I don't necessarily agree, I often realize that sometimes this line of work can be construed as fluffy.

I've been thinking about this "fluff factor" a lot and it made me recall a conversation I had with a client that I ran into at a party last year. We had worked together on remodeling her family room, and in the process we decided she needed to paint and spruce up her closet and master bath. It was really just a simple project consisting of paint and replacing a few light fixtures and cabinet knobs, but she gushed about how happy she was in her new spaces. I confessed about my fear of fluff on the job front, and she completely disagreed.  She said, "I'm the CFO of a company, and I can tell you that I very rarely make people happy at my work. What you do is meaningful and helpful. I wish I could get paid to make people happy!"

This is something I really want to focus on in 2013. And it's something I truly believe. Your surroundings should inspire you and make you feel good. This gives meaning, depth and substance to the fluff factor.

From what I understand, the students from Sandy Hook will begin school next Monday, January 12 at another school within the district.  I have heard from other bloggers that their school PTA is planning to create a Winter Wonderland at the school by decorating the hallways with snowflakes made by children from all over the world.

{source and DIY directions -- if you need them!}
My kids made some over break, and it's not too late if you and/or your family would like to make some and send them out.

Send all snowflakes and donations to:  
Connecticut PTSA 
60 Connolly Parkway 
Building 12, Suite 103 
Hamden, CT 06514

For me, this project is the perfect blend of using beautiful decor to make people feel comforted and welcome. And that is meaningful fluff for sure.